Friday, April 3, 2020

Note to self: Face Masks: a non-tutorial, just my notes

My iteration of a batik, pleated face mask. It is a cherry-picking of the many excellent tutorials on the web.  In particular,
was very helpful.

Begin by cutting 3 pieces of fabric together and layering them together. The 3 shown are 2 batiks and 1 Pelon mid-heavy interfacing. 
Next "face" the bottom and top layers using a single strip.

Then zigzag a pipe cleaner to the top seam allowance.

 Using the edge of the facing as a guide, add 3 pleats.

 Attach bias binding to the sides and close the resulting ties.
Viola! a mask.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Charms and DJ scraps to Sewitsforsale

It's difficult to say goodbye, so I'm trying rehoming these babies.  A buying quilter will have to have a good deal of faith in unknown-me to buy them online. But they are pretty.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Leftover fabrics from Aurelia's Journey Quilt

Pictured below just a few of the fabrics I have left over from making my "Aurelia's Journey" quilt. 

Monday, April 20, 2015

cutting back on poinsettias

The four poinsettias in just one pot are ages old and must be root bound.  Before I split them, I'll fatten them up some. Stay tuned.